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Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What is a Jyotish gemstone? Truth of Astrological Gemstones?


A: In Simple terms a Jyotish Gemstone or an Astrological Gemstone is a Gem recommended on basis of sacred Astrological principles of Jyotisha to bring in dawn of fame and fortune and accomplishment of desires. But not every Gem is a Jyotish Gemstone. 

A Gemstone is a Jyotish Gem only when it excels on all 4C’s-the cut, color, clarity and carat weight and the crystal is of exceptional lustre with a color so fine and closest to its true spectral color that it looks outstanding. Only an untreated Gem like that qualifies to be a Jyotish Gemstone and has the capacity to bring about promised results.


Q: Can wearing a gemstone prescribed by a Vedic astrologer really affect my life?

A: Yes! Based on our experience (from our personal results as well as the testimonials of many hundreds of satisfied customers), a well-selected, properly described, Jyotish Quality gemstone can have a remarkable effect on one's life. See the Testimonials section of our website for unsolicited experiences written by our customers.


Q: How much does this cost?

A: The cost of the gemstone will vary according to the type, size and quality of the gemstone recommended. In some cases, an Uparatna (secondary gemstone) can be used with excellent results if one is on a budget.


Q: Is the quality of Jyotish gemstones important?

A: Yes the qualities of jyotish gemstones are important "Jyotish Quality gemstone" are the color, clarity, cutting, and the "life" of the gemstone which is the "sweet, sattvic" quality of the gem - the essence of the gem. 

Q: I understand these gemstones are of a special quality, but am I paying a premium price as well?

A: No. Although these natural gems are quite rare and special, we are able to offer them to you at very competitive prices. In fact, we believe that for the quality of gemstones we sell for this purpose, our prices can't be beaten.


Q: Do you sell ready-made jewelry?

A: We do not carry ready-made jewelry, instead, we have custom jewelry made for our clients. Each piece of Jyotish jewelry is created to accommodate the gemstone purchased, as well as the preferences of our customers- the type of jewelry they would like to wear, the size of it and the type of metal used. We work with our jewelers to have your custom astrological jewelry made according to Jyotish tradition - any design may be used, as long as the gemstone lightly touches the skin of the wearer. 

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